You’re Invited!
We have a Secret Shopping Group on Facebook
(and we’ve got your link to join)
(and we’ve got your link to join)
THIS LINK is your key to our elite community of favorite clients and customers… YOU!

We promise we won’t over-post on Facebook and clutter up your newsfeed, but…
Each August, we host an exclusive SECRET SHOPPING event on Facebook. We list some end-of-season, last-of-their-kind and vintage J’Adorn pieces at DEEP discounts.
We’ve filled this post with screen grabs from last year’s sale to help give you an idea of the sale structure, types of sale items we’ll have AND the amazing, super limited time prices!

August is here and even in the midst of two weekends of the RAL Show, we’re busily getting organized and prepped for the secret event.
(It’s the last major thing on our calendar that stands between us and the frantic retail holiday season!)
The sale, typically spread over a couple days, runs like this:
- Ali posts an image, description and sale price of the item (occasionally there are multiples of a piece, which will be noted in the description)
- The first to comment with “SOLD!” and their PayPal or Venmo email gets it!
- Items are promptly packaged and shipped after the invoice is completed